Programa Bilíngue: intercâmbio em sala de aula

Programa Bilíngue: intercâmbio em sala de aula

Interagir com professores nativos é muito importante durante o aprendizado da língua inglesa. Nas aulas do Programa Bilíngue, os alunos do 7º e 9º ano do Ensino Fundamental Anos Finais tiveram a oportunidade de conversar com alguns desses educadores.

Durante as atividades, os estudantes praticaram o idioma, fizeram e responderam diferentes perguntas e puderam compartilhar um pouco da cultura brasileira. Foram momentos de muita troca e aprendizado, que consolidaram a eficiência do Projeto Bilíngue do CVVP.

Confira alguns momentos:

Bilingual Program: exchange in the classroom

Interacting with native teachers is very important during English language learning. In the classes of the Bilingual Program, students from the 7th and 9th grade of Elementary School Final Years had the opportunity to talk with some of these educators.

During the activities, students practiced the language, asked and answered different questions and were able to share a little bit of Brazilian culture. These were moments of great exchange and learning, which consolidated the efficiency of CVVP’s Bilingual Project.

Check out a few moments:

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